T'gari are Beastborn with feline features, such as cat-like claws, fur, whiskers and dominant males growing large manes at adulthood.
Saminokra are Beastborn with ape-like features, with a long tail for balance, fur and feet that are adapted for grasping with their big toes being opposable.
With ancestral ties to goats and rams long lost in the Feywilds, Fauns are bouncy and springy humanoids with a human-like torso and furry lower bodies ending in cloven hooves. They have curled horns and large yellow slitted eyes. Male Fauns are known as Satyrs. While female Fauns are known as Maenads.
Fauns are often joyful and a little strange to other races, being closely connected with illusion magic and dreams. Most are playful and attuned to nature in their own estrange and wonderful ways.
Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Blessed with a supernaturally strong sense of direction, Minotaurs make great navigators and maze dwellers. They have muscular bodies and great strength which lends to an imposing stature. Thick hair extends down Minotaurs’ necks and powerful backs, and some have long patches of hair on their chins and cheeks. Their legs end in heavy, cloven hooves, and they have long, tufted tails.
Ovis are cousins to the Minotaur, with smaller frames and more varied with their animal-like features due to their more secluded lifestyles and enclosed circles. Ovis can appear with sheep-like features, with wool padding their bodies.
Hailing from the North-Western shores of The Great Golden Waters, in the bogs and sunken marsh of The Swallows, Ratfolk are an exotic race, and one whose clans are found invading or squatting close to homes of others that deem them unwelcome, if ever found at all. They are considered dirty and opportunists by nature, though their surprising adaptability allows them to change their ways quickly and creatively, should their survival be at risk.
Ratfolk are named as such due to their likeness to rats, with short, rough fur and a long fleshy tail. They have an elongated nose with whiskers either side and large circular ears.
While uncommon, it is possible to see the rat people who have abandoned their homes in favour of joining a better society, becoming messengers, traders or spies.
Rabbitfolk are small humanoids of Feywild descent with rabbit-like features such as a fluffy tufted tail, large and powerful hind legs and long floppy ears. Born from adapted life in the wild nature of the Feywild, Rabbitfolk commonly leave their home territory to become travelers, explorers and adventurers, finding life in a hole unfulfilling.
Most Rabbitfolk have a mix between an energetic personality, caring for adventure and active lifestyles, or a shy and submissive one. They are also immensely curious regardless, causing them to be at the centre of greatness or trouble.
Whether chaotically living through their wild influences or making a progressive impact in a less violent society, Gnolls can be best described as aggressive. They can range anywhere from aggressively friendly, aggressively dogmatic, aggressively unimpressed, and just about any state of being you can do or be in an aggressive manner.
Gnolls physically are akin to hyenas, inheriting paint-spotted fur, an excited giggling and an instinct to hunt.