Identifying a Sulvarian is easy. Their attitude is what shines first, a demand for attention and all eyes on them. Displayed gold, fine silks and sparkling jewels call for it even more so, for a Sulvarian without flaunting is no Sulvarian at all.
Most native Sulvarians are bronze or ebony skinned humans depending on how deeply their heritage leans toward the far deserts, with black curly or waxy hair. Yet, their way of life welcomes all races into their culture. To behave and act like a Sulvarian is more recognised and respected than an original birthplace. As such, the identity of a Sulvarian is highly adaptable and flexible, causing adoption of the nationality quickly and with welcoming arms. This acceptance is rooted deeply in Sulvarian history, originating and founded by far travelling traders and pirates who were unified by their shared values in sea voyages and the lust for lavish, rich lifestyles.
Nothing prevails more than a Sulvarians will to trade and make coin. Many find themselves becoming merchants and sellers in their favoured skillsets, exporting and importing goods through their dominated sea trade routes. Others ride the waves themselves aboard great fleets of trade ships that once beared pirate flags, now tamed by the High Merchants into more lawful subjects.
Regardless of where a Sulvarian ends up, what always remains is their ambition and diligence, especially when they have a desire to stubbornly prove someone wrong. Great and often absurd feats are achieved by Sulvarians purely because others deemed a task not possible, Such as desert cities covering entire coastlines, huge ships that plough through the fiercest of waves, or grand palaces built atop desolate sinking sands. Give a Sulvarian enough time, they will aspire to unthinkable greatness.

Betting, gambling and any other hobby that involves the exchanging of tactical gold holds a place in the heart of many Sulvarians. Even comparing riches and valued items is an entertaining game for them, explaining how they came into possession of a certain piece of art, where they purchased a handmade necklace or who made their finest outfit. The final comparison and winner is the Sulvarian who had spent the most gold on whatever they were boastfully presenting during the game.
A Sulvarian can never wear too expensive of a silk or dangle too many fine jewels. Each finger should be wrapped and banded by a ring, ears are expected to be pierced and wrists clasped in bangles and bracelets. For a Sulvarian not to jingle when walking is to admit to lacking wealth and vigor.