Ellawenni are the most loyal and honourable of Humans, taking great pride in duty to both house and family. They are known for their respectful, well mannered behaviour derived from strict traditional values ingrained in their ways of life. Ascestry is a huge part of Ellawenni culture also, with elders and house heads expecting large amounts of respect and trust in their guidance and ability to lead a dynasty.
The majority of their people are located to the far west of Entrellia against the Ellawenn Sea, which they are named after. The Ellawenni people were the first raise settlements along the windy storm lands and cliff sides, naturally adopted to the harsh rain and altitude. Their skin was a soft amber colour, darkening the further south the people are found, with natural hydrophobic tendancies which casued rain rolls effortlessly off their smooth bodies even in the most torrential of downpours. Their eyelids were also tight to their face and blanketed in long, thick eyelashes that keeps out falling rain water.
An Ellawenni's hair is commonly a silky black, grown long and straight, which is then tied in a variety of ways to give it volume and appeal. Though to be overly elaborate and expressive is considered unhumble and even disrespectful.


A large amount of Ellawenni choose to follow an ancient folklore faith known as The Seven Swords of Woh. A religion dominated by Ellawenni believers who uphold the fable of a great white spirit that represents honour and humility. The most devout undertake a pilgrimage to discover the seven swords, located across Entrellia.