Cherryblossom Smallfolk are gentle, slender and wise in their own unique ways. Rather than finding a passion in artistry or music, these kin find a calling to inner peace and dedicate a large portion of their lives contemplating deep thoughts, pondering and meditating on large, reaching concepts to slowly answer the secrets of life. In doing so, Cherryblossom Smallfolk often seem as though they are half asleep or dozy, their eyes always lulling and their movements slow and cumbersome. They are described as always having their head in the clouds, daydreaming and meditating whenever a chance arises.
Through their mental release, these Smallfolk have mastered the ability to communicate with others mentally, using minor telepathy skills which have taken generations to pass down genetically. This ability keeps a peaceful silence between communities, letting them enjoy the sounds of nature, or so they can focus on their passing thoughts and theories.
A common trait of a Cherryblossom Smallfolk is also to indulge in the act of mushroom smoking. Where hallucinogenic fungi are crushed down into a mush, placed into a smoking pipe and lit. A Cherryblossom will enjoy the better part of their evening opening their mind up to visions and dreams that play out for their enjoyment, education or comfort.
Cherryblossom Smallfolk take pleasure in simple things like gardening, collecting and more mundane joys in life, a simple hobby they can put their name to is all they really need, as they're humble creatures.
Gwindales have skin that ranges from a pale pink to a more tanned colour and wear heads of hair in chocolate browns and golden blondes. They commonly have big brown or hazel eyes and have big rosy cheeks. Gwindale males often sport long sideburns, wild moustaches, or elaborately shaven beards to draw desired attention directly to them.
The largest of Smallfolk and by far the most rotund, Rocksiders have a love for indulging in luxuries. They love food and drink and in turn, cooking and brewing. Gluttonous and at times greedy, growing fat is seen as becoming a successful Rockside. However, their hungry nature extends to more than just consumables, Rocksiders are also bold and daring, eager to show off and better themselves in their prime years of living. Some say they have ancestral ties with Durum Cor blood in their veins, being tougher and broader than the average Smallfolk. With desires to build and and strive for more, it's a common crossing of ideals with their short humanoid cousins.
While young, a Rocksider's appetite helps fuel them into becoming strong, productive kin, buring off energy and breaking a sweat almost hourly. Working twice as much as they eat. Older Rocksiders however are often pot-bellied with their slowing metabolism. Unhealthy habits leave their skin pockmarked and usually slick with sweat, a fate Rocksliders commonly fall into.
Their hair is simple, often cut short in shades of muddy browns and blondes. With eyes that range from blues, greens and browns. Rocksiders have rugged skin, weathered by hard work.
Tucked away behind the canopy of forest greens and great trees, Woodland Smallfolk are seculded druidic Smallfolk who live in the deep woodlands of Entrellia. They very much keep to themselves and favour the likes of animals and plants over other civilisations and people.
Woodland Smallfolk have dark skin, matching the shades of bark as to the forests they reside in, with black hair and irises.