A time also known as The Dark Moon, the 2nd Creation marks the appearance of a hole in the night sky and the domination of The Watching Wolf over souls trapped in The Everhalls.
The end of the Second Creation arrives when Ome seals The Dark Moon.
A mark in history in which most common mortals know of or bore witness to. The Sundering is an act that produced Sunderbloods and caused the disappearance of the Numen, Aaya Ahorr.
The Endless War begins as Ome replaces The Dark Moon with his light.
The emergence of many Numen came during 3C.
The creation of Entrellia happened at the beginning of 4C and later the capture of Mill by The Watching Wolf rid the plane of rich veins of ore, gems and minerals.
The creation of time, age and progress by Beyond the Halls. and the emergence of Boq, The Watching Wolf.
The rise of mankind and civilisation, the 5th Creation marks the beginning of many races and the building of societies in Entrellia.
The birth of the cosmos, where light, darkness and Beyond the Halls completes the circular link of The Astral Sea.
Creation Periods are eras carved out into history and are often started and ended by intense, world-changing events that dramatically alter the structure of mortal life.
Referenced as the beginning of the cosmos, Before Creation is a period in time that dates back infinite years, where a singular cosmic being and Numen known as Beyond the Halls existed. Beyond the Halls, who only gained their given name by mortals eras later, is said to have forged the Astral Sea together, which began the marching of time.​ However, before this, before time, a folktale follows back further, suggesting truly where it all began. Claiming there was nothing but a pure white light. A light that had existed in solitude and glowed so brightly that the entire universe was painted white and knew nothing else. Until, like all things that burn so fiercely, the light began to dim. This fading of light revealed what had always been; material and cosmic matter that had lingered in a forever stasis, finally granted shadows and form. This light that was presumed to be forever, slowly began to wither and die. But not before Beyond the Halls came to be, a divine power collecting and organising and filtering all that was revealed before it. Sorting it, investigating it, stitching reality together.​​

​Beyond the Halls was successful in circulating everything it had found, connecting it as an encompassing band to hold all within. This band became known as the Astral Sea. Everything outside became The Void. The Astral was a place where Beyond the Halls could slumber peacefully once again, waiting endlessly with hopes for the light to return to its full glory. To burn as bright as it once did, so all would return to the peaceful white light of nothingness. But it never did.​

The creation of time was a creation of accident. Beyond the Halls had merely wished for the burning light, a light which shined so brightly it illuminated everything in existence, to return to its magnificent white light. However, this process required the passage of time. And just like that, time began to move. Things began to change. The march was under way. Entirely unintentional.​ Beyond the Halls waited for the return of the lights glory. But the request and wish for time only set its death into motion. With time comes death. With the death of light comes darkness.
This white light which once sheltered all in magnificence dwindled to a mere pip in vast cosmic swirls, eventually flickering out entirely. It left only celestial reflections of itself in the vast Astral Sea to illuminate the dark universe. Enough to still see what had replaced the white light: A new darkness that remained in its place.
"What have you become?" Beyond the Halls would echo. "The soul of life and light." the darkness responds.
The Second Creation period is more commonly referred to as The Dark Moon period, a time where The Watching Wolf ruled the entirety of the night sky, leaving a hole that led directly to The Everhalls.

After the First Creation, there remained only the Astral Sea, The Void, Beyond the Halls and a pip of darkness that remained where the white light had died.
During this period, the Second Creation, Beyond the Halls shelters the darkness in hopes that one day it would return to its bright glory. Befriending it, conversing with it and naming them Boq. Beyond the Halls would tell tales of Boqs former wonder. How bright it once shined. How beautiful it once was. With innocence, Boq wished for their greatness to return too, in hopes of pleasing their guardian and gifting them what they so dearly missed. Boq began to grow and expand with this ambition, their darkness reaching and consuming ever more. "I will be what you wish, friend." ​​​
However, Boq did not shed light. Though try they might, they never could. And never would. In pursuit of light, Boq consumed it. The cosmos and Astral Sea bore witness to a monstrous expanding and all consuming moon, The Dark Moon. With every light absorbed, Boq owed it a place in the blackness it became. Stars -souls- painted the realm and plane endlessly with a ghostly green glow, creating the beginning of The Everhalls. The night sky became a graveyard and a portal to a new plane.
This expanse was not enough for Boq as he still did not glow, nor did he have the means or understanding to reach his perceived former glory. He grew jealous of light itself. And so he hunted in pursuit of all that remained. The stars he consumed became his eyes and fangs, the darkness he lurked within his veil and pelt. The Watching Wolf found his form. His hunger, his predatorial beliefs, envisioned an ultimatum. If no light remained as competition, then he truly would be the brightest light to remain.
The Watching Wolf contined to harbour stars within Everhalls, hauling dying lights back to his domain. The Everhalls grew exponentially to host such a vast collection. But it was not just the death of light which he collected, but history of time and events too, doccumented across the marble walls. Knowledge he preserved to remind him of his purpose. He wished for nothing more than to be the light he promised he would return to.
In fear of what Boq had become, Beyond the Halls secretly searched for a new light with the intension of replacing Boq. They reached out beyond the Astral Sea and the links and bindings of their plane, where they found Aaya Ahorr, a reddened cosmic light that had suffered from the accelerating time within The Void. In a bid to offer resolution and forgiveness, Beyond the Halls offered everything to restore Aaya's power. In doing so, they forgeda Plane of Creation within Aaya.
The two agreed the white light Boq once was would not return and instead devised something else must take up that former mantle. Together, the two Numen created an artificial light named Ome and nursed him within a new plane, away from the eyes of Boq, which came to be the Plane of Illumination. However, creating light and life caused a shift in the cosmic material, a mass of waste products spawned from the chaotic process. The Plane of Destruction formed to counter balance the Plane of Creation, as well as the accidental tear of The Wanderwealds that settled between the two.
The arrival of Ome in the affairs of The Watching Wolf brought the beginning of 3C, Ome was victorious in his first strike, turning The Dark Moon white and sealing the hole between the planes of The Astral Sea and The Everhalls as Aaya and Beyond the Halls planned.
This defense and shield of protection began The Endless War which rages on in the common day between the undead souls and Ome's White Spectres.
The Third Creation also brought forth a plethora of other Numen and a handful of planes began to form. The sealment of The Everhalls and The Watching Wolf meant the endless greed and growth of nothingness was passed onto a newly emerging Numen known as The Swollen, arriving from the distant outskirts of The Void to continue the cycle.

​​​The Triplets were also created within the Plane of Illumination by Beyond the Halls and Aaya as failsafes for Ome and the disappearing lights of the cosmos. The creative Numen also organised remaining stardust and cosmic material into the Elemental Planes to clean the Astral Sea of chaos from their former artificial fabrications.
At some point during the latter stages of the Third Creation, Ome ventured to the Water Plane to rescue Mirus and propose to her soon after.
The final creative endevour and what began the Fourth Creation was led by Mill, a Numen which rose from the Earthen Plane to create Entrellia.
The capture and caging of Mill by The Watching Wolf, ridding Entrellia of rich veins of ore, gems and minerals.
The rise of mankind and civilisation, the 5th Creation marks the beginning of many races and the building of societies in Entrellia.
A mark in history in which most common mortals know of or bore witness to. The Sundering is an act that produced Sunderbloods and caused the disappearance of the Numen, Aaya Ahorr. The beginning of 6C is considered the end of any new ways of life. Magic is said to have stagnated and dwindled to an all time low and ill omens are rampant in mortal lives.