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Elves are humanoid-fey beings with long lifespans and a natural elegance when compared to other Entrellian races. They're most recognisable by their pointed ears, pale skin and sharp features physically, while their impressive intelligence, wisdom and mental fortitude are also noticeable aspects.


Elves tend to be slightly shorter on average in comparison to humans and develop musculature more lean in nature versus a bulkier, weighty frame found in others.




1. History


2. Culture

     2.1 White Elves

     2.2 Wood Elves

     2.3 Ever Elves

     2.4 Eladrin

     2.5 Half Elves




Elves, in some scripts, are known to have been created by Aaya Ahorr before the rise of humans, while other legends involving the Ever Elves date even further back in history.




Elves as a whole are commonly seen as lawful and peaceful, developing society from in inward approach first and foremost. In the current Creation era, The Oa Lillium Kingdom is a dominant region in the north west of Entrellia, built by a large collection of Elves unified under one king and council.



White Elves, sometimes known as Moon Elves, are tall and slender Elves from the nothern reaches of Entrellia. They remain graceful and elegant, despite their taller stature and height compared to other Elven kin. Commonly the most civilised, White Elves have respectful and welcoming formalities that are appreciated by most races on par with their etiquette, lending them favourable friendships by practicing good manners and formal education.


Their skin is extremely pale, of which they earn their name from. They tend to have hair of white, copper, black, or golden blonde. Their eyes too are also golden, silver, or black, which almost always matches the colour of their hair.





Wood Elves are the most secluded and nature-tied subset of Elves, favouring the more animalistic and tribal state of living found within dense forests and thick woodlands of Entrellia. Wood Elves are noticably less social with races outside of their own, hosting xenophobic tendencies and a desire to remain inside the peace of natural life sheltered by leaves and plants. This seclusion often stunts their greater knowledge of the outside world, believing their way is the way things should be for the highest quality of life.


Ode to the wilderness, Wood Elves have developed keen senses and heightened intuition, as well as a talent in archery for the purpose of hunting to sustain themselves or as means of protection. Having great respect for nature and the world they live in, often Wood Elf culture entirely surrounds the sanctity of nature, the cycle of life and protecting the land, earth and woodlands they reside in.


Wood Elves are easily identifiable by their coppery skin and green, brown, or hazel eyes. Wood Elven hair is usually black or brown, although hues such as blonde or ginger can be found in rarer cases.





Said to be the first race with a beating heart and flowing blood, Ever Elves are nearly devoid of emotion and struggle to show a caring nature, which is assumed to be a flaw developed due to their early creation. With a lineage so ancient, Ever Elves' origins are rumoured to involve Beyond the Halls, Aaya AhorrThe Watching Wolf and Ome, a chaos of freed souls during an untold historical incident, which remains shrouded in mystery to this day. Creation periods have long past since the first of the Ever Elves, so even the kin are unsure in todays world what to believe of their ancestors and origins, the truth of their history perhaps lost and forgotten forever.


There are tales however, passed down through generations that Ever Elves were once the first mortals trusted with the power of magic, blessed by Beyond the Halls and granted access the Astral Sea. Though most stories are hidden within riddles and altered for childrens books, a recurring theme presents itself, where the Ever Elves once had a grandiose civilisation that dates back countless centuries and periods. One that floated amongst the cosmos and rivaled the modern day knowledge of magic, life and history. It is depicted as being extremely advanced beyond its time, a fantasy metropolis filled with awe, wonder and possibilities. However, the story tells of how their access to magic slowly dwindled and thinned as more races came to be. As though their own power and essence was being spread out amongst each new life brought into Entrellia, unwillingly drawing it away from the Ever Elves, their cities and way of life. It is said that mages were slowly sapped of their magic. Their buildings, artefacts, imbued items, all of which began to weaken and drain from this process of more mortal lives being brought into existence. A common reference and joke tells of an old Ever Elf during this time, who was so reliant on levitaion magic over countless years, had lost the knowledge and ability to walk. They refused to learn how to take their first steps again out of defiance and stubbornness, believing the magic will return as they are owed it. It was this ignorance and dependence on magical essence that led to the downfall of their astral haven and communities. The dwindling of magic caused their civilisations to fall into disarray and ultimately collapse. Magic was far too essential to many Ever Elves who didn't know how to live or fuction without it, especially when it was now no longer naturally bestowed upon them.


Those who did survive the crumble of their magical lifestyles found their way to Entrellia, but their numbers in modern day is a stark comparison as to what once was. The race has failed to reconstruct or rebuild any meaningful civilisations since, and instead reside commonly in other Elven cities struggling to find purpose.


An Ever Elf has skin often paler and more ghostly than other Elves. Their eyes and hair will commonly be void of colour, presented as strikingly white whites or pitch blacks.





Elves said to be torn by the changing seasons of the world, Eladrin have unique weather related attributes that can switch and change at the flip of a coin or a shift of emotion. Being the most extravagant of all Elven kin, many Eladrin commonly hail from the Wanderwealds, to which they owe this innate and wildly shifting magic to. How Eladrin came to be is undocumented, but guesses tell of them being either Wood Elves that had stumbled through accidental portals to the Wanderwealds, or Ever Elves who adapted to the Fey climates after their Astral collapse countless years ago.


An Eladrin will tend to have a favoured season, of which they maintain the form of most often. However, with the spontaneous nature of their shifting, they may not always be able to control which season their mind and body settles as.





Half Elves are the result of mixed relations with other races but are most commonly parented by tyles of Elves who breed with other Elven lineages. However, other races that are not Elves can still mingle and produce children. Such as Ellawenni, who are usually the most local to Elves, sharing geographical borders, Oharrians and in rarer cases, Sulvarians, Numenborn, Sunderbloods, Dwarves and Orcs.



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